Today our Red-shouldered hawks are calling and continuing to build their nest. It seem that an old squirrel drey caught their eye and they have been carrying branches and sticks to it all day. I am hoping that they stay so we can continue to watch them.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Going Gold
This morning the nyger feeder is bustlinr with activity. With only 6 posts, each is filled with and eager American Goldfinch, and a half dozen more wait in the wings for an opening to appear. They are louder than they have been in the last few weeks and there at least three times more of them. Other than there being more than last week I notice that they are beginning to get gold-er, not quite the bright and flashy colors yet, but more and more yellow-ish.
They are adamant that no one else get a chance at the feeder. They have fended off the six House Finches that bully the feeding station. The Downy Woopeckers are steering clear of the feeding frenzy. Even our bold little Black-capped Chickadees are minding their own business.
Their twittering songs fill the backyard today and we are enjoying the show. Soon black and yellow will dominate the feeders.
They are adamant that no one else get a chance at the feeder. They have fended off the six House Finches that bully the feeding station. The Downy Woopeckers are steering clear of the feeding frenzy. Even our bold little Black-capped Chickadees are minding their own business.
Their twittering songs fill the backyard today and we are enjoying the show. Soon black and yellow will dominate the feeders.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Spring is really coming......finally
Well it's been a tough winter here in Ohio. It was long and cold and there was more snow than I can remember in a long time. The last few days have been mild though. Warm breezes and sunshine bring that smell of pre-spring that comes before the really pretty smells of spring. It's that wet smell; the smell of earth and leaves that have been covered in snow and ice for too long. It's the beginning. The first Red-winged Blackbirds were at the feeder today. A welcome sight.
The snowdrops are blooming, their delicate white heads looking to the ground as the sun warms their backs. The branches of the trees are swelling making it more difficult to see through the bare woods. The call of a killdeer as it flies by brings a smile to my face. As I look up to try to find it, I catch a glimpse of the large dark shape of my first Turkey Vulture of the spring.
The warmer nights bring out the spring peepers. Their hollow calls echo in the wet woods behind the house tonight. The rain softly pads the ground and loosens up the last of the snow and ice. It smells fresh tonight; no wonder those peepers can't sleep either. It's a great feeling knowing that the worst of winter is behind us. Even though more snow may come, and surely there will be cold, it can't last. It won't hold it's grip, spring will prevail, and it will bring with it all of the amazing wonders that spring has to offer. I treasure these days when I notice these things for the first time. They free my soul.
The snowdrops are blooming, their delicate white heads looking to the ground as the sun warms their backs. The branches of the trees are swelling making it more difficult to see through the bare woods. The call of a killdeer as it flies by brings a smile to my face. As I look up to try to find it, I catch a glimpse of the large dark shape of my first Turkey Vulture of the spring.
The warmer nights bring out the spring peepers. Their hollow calls echo in the wet woods behind the house tonight. The rain softly pads the ground and loosens up the last of the snow and ice. It smells fresh tonight; no wonder those peepers can't sleep either. It's a great feeling knowing that the worst of winter is behind us. Even though more snow may come, and surely there will be cold, it can't last. It won't hold it's grip, spring will prevail, and it will bring with it all of the amazing wonders that spring has to offer. I treasure these days when I notice these things for the first time. They free my soul.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
So here it is, already Feb. 17th, 2010. My life is kind of a shadow of what it was in the past few years, but that doesn't bother me much. What bothers me is that I sometimes feel like I don't possess a great will to finish things or do things the right way, right as everyone else sees them anyway. I've spent the last few months trying to figure out what to do next, what is my next step; what the hell do I do now? The only thing that brings me any real joy anymore is being outside, findings birds and critters and watching them. I don’t even photograph things as much as I used to....but I still do love it. So how do I parlay that into a career or a living to get by on? My brain is all a mush with all of it so I keep putting it off.....and then it dawned on me that I missed it: The New Years Resolution! The most important thing to do every year. Make promises to yourself and try like hell to stick with them!
So here it is....or here they are:
1. Above all else, do what makes me happy, regardless of the odds
2. 350 on my life list would be nice, I'll settle for 250-260 Ohio
3. I want to be in the best shape of my life by my next birthday
4. Make time for the important people in my life whenever possible and do what I can for them
5. Get involved-I'm not 100% sure what this means yet, but I still feel that I need to champion a cause to get back on track in life
6. Be green-er
Ok so I will stop at 6, but add only that I intend to write a lot more often. Be it a trip report, a ramble, a whine or whatever, I want to put it all out there and see what comes of's a new day...
So here it is....or here they are:
1. Above all else, do what makes me happy, regardless of the odds
2. 350 on my life list would be nice, I'll settle for 250-260 Ohio
3. I want to be in the best shape of my life by my next birthday
4. Make time for the important people in my life whenever possible and do what I can for them
5. Get involved-I'm not 100% sure what this means yet, but I still feel that I need to champion a cause to get back on track in life
6. Be green-er
Ok so I will stop at 6, but add only that I intend to write a lot more often. Be it a trip report, a ramble, a whine or whatever, I want to put it all out there and see what comes of's a new day...
Thursday, February 11, 2010
February is that month where you just kind of dig in, hibernate and try to get things done inside, while dreaming of being outside. The snow drifts and piles up, the wild howls and the only time I seem to go outside is when it is a necessity. But even though February is the short month and the time should fly by, it doesn’t; it drags and I feel like I need to get outside even if it is for just short time or a nice drive to awaken the senses from that winters respite. Even though it seems bleak and desolate at first glance, a longer look reveals the beauty and the evidence that though it is cold and snowy, life goes on.

That perfect white blanket of snow is completely devoid of human presence. The sun glistens on the ice crystals in the early morning light. The frost hangs heavy on branches and limbs and adds a glow of amazement to the landscape. Ice covers the streams, ponds and lakes concealing what swims beneath from what walks above. I love those winter mornings when the sky is bright blue and the clouds are fluffy white. Those are the days I need to go outside to warm my spirits in February, because it is on those days that the world around me shows me the clues that even though it is winter, spring cannot be that far away. Footprints in the snow show me where the squirrels, rabbits and deer have been. The tracks of birds feet in the snow are delicate and small. A perfect set of wings imprinted on the snow show us where an attack from above may have taken place the night before. The evidence is all around goes on around us.
Sometimes these drives and outings in the winter turn up amazing things. I was recently at one of my favorite places enjoying the winter scene in a completely peaceful setting. The water here is from an underground spring and it never freezes. Bald eagles are always about as are juncos, cardinals, downy and red-bellied woodpeckers. The ever-present belted kingfisher scolds when it is chased from its perch. Bluebirds, robins, titmice, yellow rump warblers and nuthatches make an appearance as well. This day however I noticed from the car some whitish-yellow drippings on bare branches next to a small evergreen. I knew before I even saw the suspect and my heart skipped a beat. The evidence was right in front of me and it had led me to the first Northern Saw-Whet Owl I had ever found.

Roosting in the densest part of the pine, its yellow eyes stared down at me as I approached and took a few photos. It didn’t move or make a sound; it simply stared at me from five feet away and I respected its privacy after a few moments. These creatures of the night never cease to amaze me. It was a great day to get outside.
That perfect white blanket of snow is completely devoid of human presence. The sun glistens on the ice crystals in the early morning light. The frost hangs heavy on branches and limbs and adds a glow of amazement to the landscape. Ice covers the streams, ponds and lakes concealing what swims beneath from what walks above. I love those winter mornings when the sky is bright blue and the clouds are fluffy white. Those are the days I need to go outside to warm my spirits in February, because it is on those days that the world around me shows me the clues that even though it is winter, spring cannot be that far away. Footprints in the snow show me where the squirrels, rabbits and deer have been. The tracks of birds feet in the snow are delicate and small. A perfect set of wings imprinted on the snow show us where an attack from above may have taken place the night before. The evidence is all around goes on around us.
Sometimes these drives and outings in the winter turn up amazing things. I was recently at one of my favorite places enjoying the winter scene in a completely peaceful setting. The water here is from an underground spring and it never freezes. Bald eagles are always about as are juncos, cardinals, downy and red-bellied woodpeckers. The ever-present belted kingfisher scolds when it is chased from its perch. Bluebirds, robins, titmice, yellow rump warblers and nuthatches make an appearance as well. This day however I noticed from the car some whitish-yellow drippings on bare branches next to a small evergreen. I knew before I even saw the suspect and my heart skipped a beat. The evidence was right in front of me and it had led me to the first Northern Saw-Whet Owl I had ever found.
Roosting in the densest part of the pine, its yellow eyes stared down at me as I approached and took a few photos. It didn’t move or make a sound; it simply stared at me from five feet away and I respected its privacy after a few moments. These creatures of the night never cease to amaze me. It was a great day to get outside.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
The Century
January comes on the heels of the busy holidays and brings with it the promise of a new year; a fresh start. It also brings a challenge. The January 100 - the Century - 100 different species of birds in 31 days. And those 31 days can be some of the coldest and most brutal on the north coast of Lake Erie. This year I roped my mom into being my birding partner in crime. We spent most of the month driving around to different parks, wildlife areas and nature preserves following web posts and rare bird tips in search of our 100.
It all began on January 2 and ended on January 26.
Our first bird was of course a European Starling and they were seen everyday in large numbers. American Robins were also a star this month. Large flocks seemed to materialize and the disappear in minutes as they fed. Eastern Bluebirds were also a welcome find at multiple locations every other day or so. Red-tailed Hawks, always along the highways, were in smaller numbers than we both remembered, but not a day went by without at least a few.
The Bald Eagles of the western counties were seen and enjoyed periodically as well.
Although all of these birds are great to see, especially in January in Ohio, not much compares to the owls. We managed to find four species in this cold month. A pair of Great Horned Owls were spotted at Maumee Bay State Park. Two Long-eared Owls were observed in a cedar tree in Killdeer Plains Wildlife Area. Five Short-eared Owls put on a show over the Big Island Area at dusk. And a Barred Owl was found in Blacklick Woods Metropark sitting, plain as day, in a large Beech tree. Not all of our findings were perfect. We found a Northern Saw Whet Owl, an Eastern Screech and a Great Horned Owl along Route 2, all the victims of car collisions. Though sad, we were able to really get a good look at each one before reporting them to the Black Swamp Bird Observatory.

Our final two birds were found at Killdeer Wildlife Area on the 26th of January.
A Northern Shrike was sitting atop a small shrub along route 115. We both had great looks and enjoyed my 100th bird with smiles. Not 30 seconds later a beautiful Rough-legged Hawk soared over the field ahead of us and hovered for a while affording us the opportunity to really study this beautiful raptor. That was it, one hundred birds in the cold month of January in Ohio. We did it. Of course now we are both excited to see just how many birds we can find in 2010….only time will tell.
It all began on January 2 and ended on January 26.
Our first bird was of course a European Starling and they were seen everyday in large numbers. American Robins were also a star this month. Large flocks seemed to materialize and the disappear in minutes as they fed. Eastern Bluebirds were also a welcome find at multiple locations every other day or so. Red-tailed Hawks, always along the highways, were in smaller numbers than we both remembered, but not a day went by without at least a few.
Although all of these birds are great to see, especially in January in Ohio, not much compares to the owls. We managed to find four species in this cold month. A pair of Great Horned Owls were spotted at Maumee Bay State Park. Two Long-eared Owls were observed in a cedar tree in Killdeer Plains Wildlife Area. Five Short-eared Owls put on a show over the Big Island Area at dusk. And a Barred Owl was found in Blacklick Woods Metropark sitting, plain as day, in a large Beech tree. Not all of our findings were perfect. We found a Northern Saw Whet Owl, an Eastern Screech and a Great Horned Owl along Route 2, all the victims of car collisions. Though sad, we were able to really get a good look at each one before reporting them to the Black Swamp Bird Observatory.
Our final two birds were found at Killdeer Wildlife Area on the 26th of January.
A Northern Shrike was sitting atop a small shrub along route 115. We both had great looks and enjoyed my 100th bird with smiles. Not 30 seconds later a beautiful Rough-legged Hawk soared over the field ahead of us and hovered for a while affording us the opportunity to really study this beautiful raptor. That was it, one hundred birds in the cold month of January in Ohio. We did it. Of course now we are both excited to see just how many birds we can find in 2010….only time will tell.
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